Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bringing in the Sheets

My Grandma, Mamo, was a hard worker.  Whether plucking a chicken, snapping green beans, or “treadling” the old sewing machine, she usually sang while she worked.  When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder was probably the most sung hymn.   I remember wash days, hanging the sheets on the line out by the garden and her voice cracking as she sang Bringing In the Sheaves.  I loved to run between the flapping sheets as we took them down and folded them.  I was probably twenty before I realized Mamo was not singing, “Bringing in the sheets, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheets”.

1 comment:

  1. Hello newest friend! Thank you for being my new follower. Your post struck a chord with me as I too used to hang the wash for mom on Mondays in the summer. I too loved to run between the flapping sheets. I grew up just West of Albany, NY and I so remember frozen sheet, stiff like a board coming in just before it was dark at night. What memories those are. Thank you for helping me relive a special time in my life. I welcome you to my blog. The name is derived because althought I now live on the Gulf Coast of Fl, I am a country girl who longs for the back roads instead of concrete super highways. I love the adventure around the next bend, be it a new shop, wildflowers in the fields, cotton growing, a photo opt or a new friend. I am not consistent but usually my posts are about my love of the Lord, my hubby, my family, our road trips and my love of purple and being a helpless romantic, plus always at least one photo I love. I am honored you are following me. Thank you and have a blessed day!
